Stephanie Sigman- Shimmer Lake- Contusion
Donnie Wahlberg- Saw IV- Blood/Sweat/Dirt
Steve Buyers- Ransom- Contusion/Lacerations
Mark Rendal- Shimmer Lake- Bullet Wound/Blood
Dustin Mulligan- Schitt's Creek- Eye Contusion/Small Laceration
Billy Otis- Saving Hope- Blood/Laceration/Contusion/Swollen Upper, Lower Eyelid & Cheeckbone
Billy Otis- Saving Hope
Billy Otis- Saving Hope
Greg Smith- Rookie Blue- Aged Contusions
Billy MacLellan- Saving Hope- All piercings and Tattoos. Earlobe hoops & horns done by Francois Degenais
Rothaford Gray- Cell 213- Lip Laceration/Blood/Swollen Eye
Charlotte Sullivan- Rookie Blue- Swollen Lip/Laceration/Contusion
Bevery Mitchell- Saw II- Blood/Skin Rash
Saving Hope- Gunshot Wounds Pre-Blood
Saving Hope- Ear Piercing Holes
Severely Battered Woman- Rookie Blue- Lacerations/Contusions/Swollen Eye/Pre Blood
Severely Battered Woman- Rookie Blue- Lacerations/Contusions/Swollen Eye/Blood
Matt Gordon- Saving Hope - Polymorphous Light Eruption
Kari Matchett- Saving Hope- Forehead Laceration
Saving hope- Y Incision with Staples
Saving Hope- Hypertrophic Scarring
Saving Hope- Abdominal Incision/Blood
Julian Richings- Saw IV-Atrophic Scarring
Peter Mooney- Rookie Blue- Swollen Contusion with Blister & Laceration
Car Explosion Bystander- Rookie Blue- Contusion/Laceration/Blood/Burns
Interviewing Teen -Schitt's Creek-Acne
Teen in Car Accident-Saving Hope-Laceration/Blood/Contusion
Peter Mooney- Rookie Blue- Old Keloid Burn Scar
Enrico Colantoni's Stunt Actor (Steve)- Ransom- 3/4 Bald Pate
Saving Hope- Laparoscopic Surgery Scars
Rookie Blue- Blood/Superficial Lacerations
Benjamin Walker- Shimmer Lake- Stitched Gun Wound
Soldier-The Incredible Hulk- Laceration/Blood
Richard Short- Merry Kills People- Old Hypertrophic Scar
Saving Hope-Heroin Tracks/Contusions
Saving Hope- Tracks turn Infected
Saving Hope- Necrotizing Fasciitis
Daniel Kash- Rookie Blue- Nose Bleed
Jefferson Brown- Rookie Blue- Stitched Incision/ Lacerations
John Micheal Higgins-Shimmer Lake- Gunshot Wound
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